JDi Wins New Law Firm Launch Campaign
JDI announced today that it has won the prestigious new client in the legal services industry.
JDi’s Managing Director, Duncan Richardson said:
“JDi has been instrumental in the brand development for this important new firm from the outset. We will now create an unrivalled website and digital presence for them that is certain to shake up the profession”
The Client commented: “JDi took the time and have the intellectual capacity to understand what we do.”
If the truth be known, many creative marketing agencies have ignored the legal profession in the past, believing that it was really only the preserve of traditional PR agencies. The reality is that conventional PR, blogs and digital marketing has become so bland as to compound the homogenous perception of the whole profession, which raises the question is it relevant or genuinely effective anymore?
JDi’s Creative Director, Mark Harrison agrees and said:
“We think marketing in the legal profession needs shaking up. People do not need yet another generic newsletter or dull website featuring stock images, waffle in navy blue or burgundy colours. They want interesting useful and practical information they can use to make informed decisions with. To do this clients’ marketing need to be more creative and impactful (yes, I know it’s not a real word in the English dictionary, but it’s widely used and therefore actually it is a real word – rather proves my point). In other words, we must stand out by making sure our marketing communication educates, helps and inspires. That’s how you win the best clients.”
Duncan added:
“Now there’s something you don’t see every day…a creative director who’s genuinely passionate about marketing legal services! Almost brings a tear to your eye.”
Come and talk to us. We’d love to help you.