
There is a word missing from the much-used phrase; “Content is King” and that’s Quality! As competition increases for an ever-greater web presence, share of voice and all the benefits that go with it so, many of our target audiences’ needs are becoming increasingly ignored. Good content is really useful, well structured, liberated from waffle and genuinely interesting. Great content is all of the above and captures the imaginative and creates a bond between the customer and you. It’s born out of exceptional creativity, imaginative thinking, superb production values and dare we say it – professional writing that would make any English teacher proud.

Why is all this so important? we hear you cry. The answer is simple. In a world where average is all too often presented as high achievement and the omnipresent “That’ll do” culture manifests itself in the blandest of advertising and naff DIY videos made using hand held mobile phones, it takes very little effort to catch your competition napping, climb to the top of the mountain and shine. Great content gives you the opportunity to demonstrate to the world one overwhelming fact – namely that you care more about your customers and what you do for them than anyone else. Just look at the trouble you go to to communicate with them. What your competitors haven’t realised yet is that when it comes to content – it’s what you don’t say and do that is as important as what you do and say.